Art of Earth

Making Paint From the Rocks

IFThe textures and colors of desert shales tell a story of chemistry, weathering and erosion, and end up in my pottery and glazes. And paint…..<continue reading>



Painting with Clay



What else can I say? Inspired by rocks, enchanted by Earth’s landscape…<Desert Paintings>



The Temple of My Imperfection

DesertSpringSeize the Wabi-sabi!

—that moment when you finally realize that all your efforts toward achieving perfection will never be enough.



Pick up a pen. Just do it.

Zentangle1Zentangle, a technique of doodling that requires a steady hand more than anything. And concentration— which somehow makes it relaxing. Really.
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Art of the Pufferfish

A Guineafowl Pufferfish, Hawaii

I am gobsmacked and comforted by my kinship with the little pufferfish who did this…
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Science Meets Art: Intelligent Design

magnetic-loopBlessed by the exquisite anatomy of our hands and the infinite crossing points between the so-called right and left brain,  we blend the vision of the imagination with logical know-how. We are the God Kings and Queens of Tool-Makers, and with these tools we make everything…<more>

Better Painting Through Chemistry

419px-Johannes_Vermeer_(1632-1675)_-_The_Girl_With_The_Pearl_Earring_(1665)Alchemy reigned at the time Johannes Vermeer painted Girl with a Pearl Earring in 1665.
Modern painters can thank French artist, Yves Klein and a few French chemists, who created a rich luscious blue paint….International Klein Blue. 
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Bones of Earth, Bones of Clay


I’m fascinated by bones…all bones, especially the white bleached remains of the wild creatures picked clean of all flesh, marking the place where they lay down on the Earth and died.

I am not alone….
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My Mother, My Art


Thanks to my very creative mother, Rita M. Simmons (1921-2004), my childhood was steeped in a variety of creative enterprises and the permission to make messes. She faced it, way back in the 1950’s: creativity is untidy.
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